Michelle Atlas


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Michelle Atlas, PCC, empowers deep, intuitive women entrepreneurs to create change they didn’t think possible in their relationship to money, their businesses and themselves. She’s part business mentor, part shadow detective, part spiritual guide, and part soul-purpose midwife. The learning and wisdom Michelle has mined from her most difficult experiences give her coaching and healing work a rare depth and presence.

Michelle’s Free Gift to You:

When you take Michelle’s My Money Archetype Personality Quiz you'll:

  • Learn your unique money strengths and gifts, so you can stop spinning your wheels following someone else's list of "shoulds" and instead invest time making money in ways that come naturally to you.

  • Illuminate your money blind spots (everyone’s are different), so you can open new portals to money flow.

  • Learn the next most important step you can take to empower your relationship with money.

Click here to claim this free gift!