As we Stand On The threshold of this new aeon, we Hear the call to step through the doorway…


We stand on the threshold together. There has never been such an opening and so much support for anyone who heeds the call, to receive True Guidance for holding the Frequency of our Becoming, and Dancing in with the angels of our Greater Nature…


But are you ready and willing to come to the place of Self-Remembering, Self-Knowing and Self -Being?

Under the surface there are powerful and positive shifts happening for your highest good, planting seeds for your luminous becoming…

Can you allow the full Coming Home To Yourself?


In these times of Great Change on the Planet, where the old is no longer serving us, there is a way to RISE to a new level of awareness, to find the treasure in our own Compassion and Inner Wisdom, and to ARRIVE in an altogether new world.


“The Universe is sending us every single thing that we need to THRIVE in the highest level of abundance.

It wants all of us to achieve our dharma, our SOUL’S work in this lifetime.

Are you allowing that calling to speak to your heart and come to the threshold?

Your identity, your luminous CORE self, your ESSENTIAL being is asking you to come fully to the center of your inner truth and inner knowing, and take on your next EMBODIMENT of your SOUL’S EXPRESSION!”


There are many doorways to the Divine Within, and our Speakers have the clues…

Are you feeling:

  • A desire to uplevel your knowledge and let go of what no longer serves?

  • Develop your Intuition, your Spiritual Presence and Abilities?

  • Do you want to free yourself of outdated ways of relating to others, and live more in the manner of your Inner Vision?

  • Do you want to Live Your Purpose more fully here on Earth, and understand how to Lead with Compassion and Love as a Doorway to strengthen your soul’s expression?

Your doorway awaits. it is already present within, an opening to source field that has always been here for you!

Meet our Brilliant Speakers!

Diane Young Sussman

Creator and Host of this Event, Spiritual Life and Embodiment Coach Diane Sussman brings her professional dance and choreography history and 35 years as an Alexander Technique and Energy Healing practitioner into her gentle and powerful esoteric Life Coaching as she invites you to the portal…

“Entering The Temple Of Beauty”

Heather Allison

Heather Allison is the Sacred Feminine, Soul + Shamanic Guide for Lovers, Leaders + Mystics. An Activator of Activators, and the Divine Feminine mentor for some of the industry's top Divine Feminine coaches.

“Vessels for Magic, Creation and the Miracle Realms”

Kristen Beilecki

Kristen Bielecki is an Intuitive, Crystalline Grid Architect, Awakening and Soul Embodiment Guide. She creates a safe space for those ready to deepen their self awareness, transform imbalanced patterns to love, know and be their true Soul selves.

“Embracing Self Love to Embody Your Divinity”


Cathleena Hailley

Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint.

“Embodying your I AM presence.”


Ashanna Solaris

Ashanna Solaris is the co-founder and pioneer of the profound practice of Clarity Breathwork, a gentle, feminine approach to healing and embodiment, reaching thousands of people worldwide. She has been a Channel and Light Body Teacher for over 30+ years and has led hundreds of trainings, workshops, and retreats around the world, helping students heal and transform.

“Accessing Higher Dimensions through Breath, Channeling, and Lightbody work.”


Wendy Yellen

Wendy Yellen, MSW, has been named one of the International Top 3 Transformational Experts every year since she was certified in Eidetics. During her 45 years of practice she has studied and used a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms of therapy. After discovering the power of Dr. Ahsen’s Eidetic Imagery Therapy, she dropped other modalities and created the Deep Transformation Method™.

“Gracefully Unleashed; how to use an ancient Greek process to reconnect to the Real You.”


Amy Cheryl

Amy Cheryl is the Creatrix of Women’s Worth Academy, a Co-Author and high level Intuitive Guide/Spiritual (& Biz) Mentor for for over 22 years. Amy is exceptionally gifted in her intuitive skills, the teachings of energetic boundary work, intuitive guidance, spiritual, ancestral, inner child/trauma healing and cosmic ascension, bringing women deeper into their truths so they can live a fully expressed, fearless and abundant life.

“Becoming Fearless: Co-Creating Your Life by Feminine Design.”


Kim Van de Sande

Kim is a visionary on a mission to guide millions in reconnecting with Love to awaken their Inner Wisdom and Divine Spark. As a Sacred Architect, Cosmic Channel, and Akashic Records Master, she empowers others to navigate rapidly changing times, manifest their deepest desires, and fulfill true purpose fueled by Love. She's a two-time international best-selling author and Founder of the Flower of Love mystery school lineage, Kim channels Divine Love teachings for Earth's evolution.

“Awakening Your True Self with Love: Embrace the Magic Within.”


Jeff Carreira

Jeff Carreira is a meditation teacher, spiritual guide and mystical philosopher who teaches online and in retreats throughout the world. As a spiritual guide, Jeff leads individuals in a form of meditation called The Practice of No Problem or the Art of Conscious Contentment. Jeff has guided thousands of people on journeys beyond the confines of fear and self-concern into the expansive liberated awareness that is our true self.

"The Soul's Journey to Wholeness."


Peter Tongue

For the last twenty years, Peter has been engaged in counseling individuals and groups in resolving their difficulties in life as well as assisting them in awakening to their own spiritual path. His heart-centered understanding of science and spirituality offer a vital and powerful pathway to successful living in this chaotic and confusing time. For the last ten years, Peter has been helping people gain an understanding of the Gene Keys process.

“The Journey of Self Discovery Through The Gene Keys.”


Maggie Gardner

In 2007, the establishment of Gardner’s House, Inc. heralded Maggie Gardner’s mission to improve the course of personal recovery from cancer, and particularly for those living within Hartford’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods. Maggie serves community through her gentle and loving attention to caring for the elderly, making her passion and purpose a doorway to Self through service.

“Advocate Through Compassion Care.”


Waxela Sananda

Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is a Galactic Shaman, Embodied Ascension Trainer, Conscious Life Mentor, Activator of Spiritual Gifts, bestselling author of The Love You Crave: A Course in Ascension, Alchemy, and Connection to the Divine. Waxéla holds space for humanity to experience the embodiment of Divine Frequencies. She is a conscious light channel assisting in the activation of spiritual gifts and soul codes within her soul family.

“Evolving Consciousness.”


Michelle Atlas

Michelle Atlas PCC, empowers deep, intuitive women entrepreneurs to create change they didn’t think possible in their relationship to money, their businesses and themselves. She’s part business mentor, part shadow detective, part spiritual guide and part soul-purpose midwife. The learning and wisdom Michelle has mined from her most difficult experiences gives her coaching and healing work a rare depth and presence.

“Money and the Mystic.”


Brooke Lieb

Teacher of the Alexander Technique, Brooke Lieb joined the faculty at The American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT) in 1992 and served as Director of Training from 2008 until ACAT closed in 2018. She joined the faculty of Manhattan School of Music in 2020. Brooke has been offering energy balancing and working with crystals since 2005.

“Deepening Your Relationship to Your Self.”


Vivien Schapera

Vivien is an award-winning practitioner, teacher and author who has founded three training schools and written numerous articles, blogs and books, including Everyday Magic and The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery

“Why Change Is So Hard ... and what to do about it.”


Amara Pagano

Amara Pagano is a leader and innovator in the world of conscious dance. She has been teaching movement as spiritual practice for over 30 years and led thousands of students on a journey of embodied awakening. She is the founder of Azul and offers workshops, retreats and teacher Teacher Certification internationally. She is also the co-founder of OneDanceTribe - a global conscious movement community.

“Embodied Awakening.”


Jackie Woodside

Jackie Woodside is a USA TODAY and four-time Amazon bestselling author, TEDx speaker, international trainer, and professional coach. She is the founder of the Curriculum for Conscious Living and the Conscious Living Summit, and trains coaches around the world to deliver this life changing work. Jackie is a certified professional coach and licensed psychotherapist with 30 years’ experience in both fields.

“Living in the Domain of Miracles.”


Nadi Hana

Nadi Hana passed away 3 weeks after our interview, and we are mourning her loss. She was an inspiring instructor, presenter, energy healer, and artist. Her professional and spiritual practices were dedicated to the expansion of our multidimensional consciousness. She was passionate about sharing the transformational capacity of Sacred Geometry and the fundamental principles of unity consciousness. Nadi was a transition specialist of planetary service, committed to the evolutionary process of humanity by accessing our full potential as multidimensional beings.

“Activating Your Multidimensional Consciousness Through Sacred Geometry.”


Michelle Rabell

Michelle Rabell is a holistic business coach, certified life coach, and a brand & marketing strategist. With years of experience coaching business leaders and creating profitable brands, she’s dedicated herself to helping heart-centered female entrepreneurs tap into their unique purpose and genius to build a business that makes an impact and brings them freedom and fulfillment.

“Be Seen: Brand Visibility as a Doorway to Personal Growth”


Jeneth Blakert

JENETH BLACKERT is known as the Being the Frequency of Your Future Self Agent. She’s a Frequency Alchemist. Hypnotherapist. And the founder of Haute Hustle Haven talk show! Jeneth has hosted more than a thousand interviews in the past decade.

“Being the Frequency of Your Future Self”


Clare Maxwell

Clare Maxwell completed her training in the Alexander Technique and The Art of Breathing after a long career in professional dance. She helps sensitive leaders, change makers, and creative women build stamina and resilience so they can stand up for what they believe. She also mentors other embodiment teachers in developing values driven, profitable businesses in her Mastermind Groups.

“Deep Resilience Practices: Cranial Nerve Sequencing for Sensitive Leaders.”


meet your host, diane young sussman:

Diane is a Wholistic Life Coach and Embodiment Mentor who has spent the last 40 years in the Mindfulness Movement adventure. She believes that all aspects of he person’s wellbeing are vital in growing spiritually and enjoying a peaceful and happy life. After living through her own struggles with pain and auto-immune disease, Diane found Energy Healing, Alexander Technique, meditation, and Mentors to heal and master her body-mind-spirit to the point where she could run a dance company in NYC and present her choreography over a 25 year period. She now she infuses the beauty and strength of body wisdom and Life Coaching for the benefit of her clients’ growth and empowerment. Diane is known for her kind sensitivity in coaching the whole person, and enables her clients find a greater peace and depth in their bodies, hearts and minds.

Diane started DOORWAYS TO THE SELF in 1991 as a creative expression gathering of dancers and spiritual seekers who wanted to embody all of the aspects of their potential. She has been a gifted Mentor and guiding light in the personal development field and consciousness movement. You can find Diane at:

I am delighted to share these amazing Speakers with you over a 5 Day period from May 20-24 2024.

Each expert has spent years in preparation of their chosen work that clearly manifests from their love and service to the world. In these times of great turmoil and change on the planet, their wisdom and honesty is not only needed, but essential for the forward movement of the Soul.

And as we gather in community, the power and presence grows even more powerful and strong.

Allow yourself the time to really take in these breakthrough sessions with some of the world’s most gifted healers, coaches, and visionaries.

Give yourself the gift of receiving new insights, tools, and processes to help you on your own miraculous journey to Self.

Calling forth your Greater Future. Go past resistances with Compassion, Beauty and Love, in Service to Self and Others.